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August 23, 2024
AI Technology

Why do LLMs hallucinate and is there a way out?

Come this November, it’ll be two years since the launch of ChatGPT, igniting an unprecedented surge of interest in generative AI. As a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI can create new content—from text and images to music and videos—by learning patterns from vast datasets. Large Language Models (LLMs) […]
July 26, 2024
AI Technology

The Dark Side of LLMs

We are now over a year into the “picks and shovels” phase of the AI gold rush, and enterprises are starting to see through the initial hype. Even though generative AI is no longer seen as the magical cure-all, enterprises are recognizing it as a powerful technology with immense untapped […]
August 23, 2024
AI Technology

Why do LLMs hallucinate and is there a way out?

Come this November, it’ll be two years since the launch of ChatGPT, igniting an unprecedented surge of interest in generative AI. As a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI can create new content—from text and images to music and videos—by learning patterns from vast datasets. Large Language Models (LLMs) […]
July 26, 2024
AI Technology

The Dark Side of LLMs

We are now over a year into the “picks and shovels” phase of the AI gold rush, and enterprises are starting to see through the initial hype. Even though generative AI is no longer seen as the magical cure-all, enterprises are recognizing it as a powerful technology with immense untapped […]