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Wandy, our AI business assistant, just got some new superpowers
October 23, 2023
Time to try something new: Predictive modeling!
November 21, 2023

Announcing a new capability – Wandy just got personal

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Have you ever wished for a personal assistant that not only assists with your work tasks but also understands YOU and your work style?

The latest release of Wandy introduces a personalization feature – Wandy autonomously learns about you and your work from your interactions!

  1. Conversation Preferences: Wandy tailors its communication to suit your style. Whether you prefer long and detailed answers or short and concise ones, role-relevant information, visualizations, tables, language preferences, and more, Wandy provides insights and answers catered to your specific needs.
  2. Technical Skills: Wandy adapts its language to ensure it’s as simple or technical as you require. It’s like having a translator for tech talk! Plus, Wandy is fluent in many languages, serving as a regular translator too.
  3. Interests: Wandy offers suggestions for content, information, and more based on your interests and priorities. You won’t need to repeat the same requests over and over again.
  4. Task Automation Preferences: Wandy understands which tasks you’d like to automate, your preferred start time for your day, and much more!

We believe that an assistant must be personalized to provide the highest value to its users, producing highly relevant and tailored outputs.

With Wandy, you’re not just getting an AI – you’re getting YOUR AI. So, are you ready to meet your new personal assistant?

Try Wandy for free at https://wand.ai
